I will be announcing my class schedule for next year on Monday at 12 noon. It will be posted on my website and this blog page. I learned last year that it was a good idea to give everyone a chance to sign up by having a set time. I will most likely be adding a few turning intensives throughout the year, but for now, I have scheduled 8 chair classes. I am extending all of my classes by 1-2 days to be sure that folks have all the time that they need to get the work done and cover all the topics with a comfortable pace.
Thanks to all the students who've come out and made this year so spectactular. I've had nothing but great times working with you and am looking forward to another great year!
Here are a few pics from the most recent comb back class, it was a great class and I am going to teach it twice next year!
Tired but happy on the last day
Craig's chair, looking sharp!
And lil Georgia is making friends much more easily. All of the students got plenty of pets in! Remember to check back here or at my schedule page Monday the 23rd for all the new classes. They fill fast and are first come first serve.